With great joy and enthusiasm, we give you the warmest welcome to our Casa Juan Bosco website and our Program “Free Time – Time to Grow.”
It’s entering the heart of Don Bosco, young at heart.
It’s believing in so many children, adolescents, and young people who knock on our doors looking for a helping hand, a family environment where they find love and affection.
It’s to believe in the pedagogy of an environment that transforms and builds good Christians and honest Citizens.
It’s an invitation to believe in the education and training of our most needy children.

WELCOME to our Family.

Our Mission


Prevent the crime incidence in children and adolescents from high-risk sectors in Aguadilla, through the educational proposal of Don Bosco’s Preventive System in free time, offering tutoring, arts, recreation, psychosocial and values programs, aimed at the integral development of the person in their social context.

Brief History of Casa Juan Bosco

Casa Juan Bosco began its services in 1994, in the La Vía sector of the town of Aguadilla. It arises as a response to the reality of children and young people in marginalized sectors exposed to the risks of the multiple social problems that are a part of life in these sectors. It is a proposal for the prevention of the incidence of crime, motivate school retention, improvement, and success in school, as well as the formation of a personality capable of resilience.

Educational programs are offered in free time after school hours when the risk of exposure to the streets increases. Study support, talent development, personality formation, psychosocial and spiritual support, help to families … everything is always welcomed by a large young population lacking in other structures of reception.

With the revitalization of the La Vía sector by the Municipality, Casa Juan Bosco was relocated to the El Tamarindo sector in 2006, where it continues to host the same population in newer and convenient facilities.

The programmatic structuring of the Project has been progressive and in continuous response to the needs of children and their social and family environment. It has grown from operating only with volunteers to establishing a team of full and part-time employees growing as an organization with a solid fiscal structure. The Project enjoys the appreciation, credibility, and value of the community, support from foundations, institutions, and individuals and maintains collaborative network agreements with nearby universities and schools.